Who are we ?

Wezembeek Thursday Festival's image

FESTI WEZ is registered with the municipality for the promotion of cultural events in Wezembeek-Oppem

BRUSSELS EAST EVENT (BEE) is a professional concert organiser

Both actors cooperate to create exclusive events under the brand name WEZEMBEEK THURSDAY FESTIVAL

Where & When ?

Unless otherwise advertised, all events take place in HALL MERLIJN (see dedicated page on this site)

Large car parking area in Rue du Cimetière for all of you (parking forbidden on the municipality plot area)

Doors open at 19:00 and close at 23:30 unless otherwise advertised


The Wezembeek Thursday Festival began in 2023 and has already offered over 10 events
described with a very qualitative musical content by the public


Reservation is highly recommended to secure your entrance fee at a discounted price
and possibly your food order with a guaranteed place at a table

Go to the dedicated page on this site to make your reservations