"Where there is no vision for peace, there is no mission for love!" - Makhandal

Time dictates agenda as situations demand corresponding actions. Haiti's current dire situation calls for an immediate agenda to find a path toward peace. Peace is the vision for Haiti while love is the missionary path for each Haitian! On August 17, 2024, Haitians, at home and in the world, will gather together in Miramar Regional Park in Florida to declare their commitment toward atonement, reconciliation and responsibility for lasting peace in a new Haiti for Haitians.





Cultivating and empowering the Haitian by developing our land, renewing our minds, and transforming our hearts through konbitism, cooperative actions, specialized education and vocational schools to produce love in a new Haitian for a new Haiti.

Producing a renewed Haitian for a new Haiti who will accept the challenge to implement the principles of atonement, reconciliation and responsibility to restore the respect for life and the rule of law in a nation of peace.

Core Values:

The Million Man March eight (8) steps of atonement:
1. Someone must point out the wrong
2. Acknowledgement of the wrong by the offender. "I am sorry!"
3. Confess the fault; first to the Supreme Being (God), then to the victim
4. Repentance: a feeling of remorse or contrition or shame for the wrong
5. Engage in Atonement: make amends or changes and reparations for the wrong
6. Forgiveness by the victim or offended party; release the feeling of anger and resentment against the offender for the harm or wrong committed
7. Reconciliation and restoration; Become friendly and peaceable again
8. Perfect union with the Supreme Being and with each other to establish peace

The Peace Path For Haiti Movement supports the quest for a new system of konbitism that serves the needs and interests of Haitians, particularly the rejected and despised, to produce a new Haitian based upon divine principles found in nature, sacred books and the 1805 Imperial Constitution.
The Peace Path for Haiti Movement supports and promotes agriculture, alphabetization, vocational schools, and economic development through a national agenda for the new Haiti
The Peace Path For Haiti Movement mobilize to identify and link our struggle with the struggle of other communities through partnerships and solidarity to support and promote our vision and mission.
The Peace Path For Haiti Movement supports radio, television and social media outlets conveying to the world a vastly different picture of Haitians.