Pawfection came to life as a combination of the two things I love most. That being my family and my at-home zoo. We are a family of 14 consisting of my three kids, my fiance, fish, 2 birds, 2 leopard geckos, a bearded dragon, a guinea pig, a snake, a pit bull named Dyamond, and a bulldog named Scooby.

I grew a love for animals at a very young age and have lived with it ever since. All of my pets are either rescues or pets I have rehomed. Giving to the world is a passion I hold dear and enjoy sharing with my children and those around me. I actively rescue and help my community find new homes for pets in need, nurture stray animals, and donate.

I have been a part of the pet care industry for over 6 years. I began my journey/involvement during the early stages of my adulthood and motherhood. At the time, I struggled to find a job that provided me adequate pay to support my children, a good work-life balance, and work I enjoyed doing.

Now that I have graduated with both a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree I decided to open Pawfection Pet Care LLC to be able to remain involved in the pet care industry while seeking or working a full-time corporate job. I noticed there was a major gap in the pet care industry with a lack of trusting, nurturing, loving, professional, and reliable service providers.

Prior to opening Pawfection Pet Care LLC, from my previous experience in the industry, I came across individual pet owners who had many concerns or unfilled needs. Many struggled to find service providers who would reassure them their pet(s) were being cared for appropriately with love and for the full purchased duration. These individuals found service providers who used one single sitter for their clients which meant if their sitter got sick or was unable to make it, they had no backup as most are not comfortable with a stranger in their home. Unfortunately, some of these service providers offered standard services that were not adjustable.

Pawfection Pet Care addresses all of these concerns and more. We have implemented a professional system that is effective, efficient, trusting, loving, and honest. We provide our clients with two trained and experienced sitters/walkers. One serves as the main sitter and the other serves as the backup sitter to fill in if needed. Both meet in person with the client before providing any services. They are also given informational documents that have been completed by the client before meeting with them. That way, the sitters know about our client's pet(s) and how to approach them most appropriately.

In addition, our services are entirely customizable which means we will provide the care in the manner our clients need. This can range from multiple walks a day, medication administration, multiple feeding and more. This allows the pet's schedule to remain EXACTLY the same while their owners are away. Our sitters implement trust by sending a picture of the client's pet(s) when they arrive for service and one when they leave. These pictures serve as a time stamp so that our clients know their pet(s) have been cared for the full duration purchased. Sitters give an overall update and include any other important information needed. Our sitters go above and beyond. They truly invest themselves in creating loving, nurturing, and strong relationships with our clients' pet(s) and the clients themselves. Our team is extremely flexible in being able to offer not only pre-booked services but last-minute requests as well.

Pawfection Pet Care strives to provide the best quality service possible. Making sure our clients feel they are at home with their pet(s) while being away.

Who wouldn't want the Pawfect family?