Your Success Begins With Us

We do property developments that would improve the digital look of our property space using various forms of modern technology

Our Services

Khulakwande Developments Property Limited's image

Service 1

"We do consultancy services and apply customer well informed decisions because we put our customer first".

Khulakwande Developments Property Limited's image

Service 2

"We also do marketing services to build a sound relationship between customers and service providers Our chief aim is to transform the global marketing space using all resources in digital space

Khulakwande Developments Property Limited's image

Service 3

"The main business core is Construction. The company CEO seized an opportunity of investing in the developing world through Civil Engineering and General building to address the needs of a modern developing world".

What Our Clients Say

"Khulakwande is a customer based and skills development company which serves customers with integrity and humility".

William Coetzee

CEO of Willie Coetzee Civil Engineers

"Succes and trust is built on solid platform of trust and service dedicationand this is what we found with Khulakwande Developments Property Limited".

Stephen Tolmay

Director of Superway Construction

About Us

Khulakwande Developments Business Journey

Khulakwande Developments Property Limited is a 100% black-owned company established in South Africa. The company was formed to create and modernise development and skills transfer in the changing construction Industry.

To unlock the black potential in construction industry and other business markets and expand the potential in all societies in the country giving chance to young and adult individuals in becoming leaders in the growing economy.

The company is expected to turn around the construction industry by imparting skills to young professionals and merging their skills with highly qualified senior professionals in construction for a fast-growing South African economy with the aid of local stakeholders and foreign Investors.

We aim to work towards a South African economy which will benefit South Africans primarily in rural areas and help the government by bringing more grants from foreign Investors to improve the lives of people from our rural society.

Khulakwande is a product of a pioneer company formed in September 2007 under the same founder ( Population Ngcobo ). The business journey started small as a cleaning company and supply and deliveries of materials to domestic customers and commercial customers.

Our biggest concern was that, we needed to grow the company and with the limited services we were offering, it wasn't c[ear to project the future and employment opportunities were limited more especially those of professionals.

We decided to turn this around and focus more on construction, this not only opened doors for professionals but extended the company's scope into property development in trying to meet the world's biggest challenge of economic growth and Gross Domestic Product.

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