Your Success Begins With Us

We are dedicated to providing innovative solutions and exceptional
services to help businesses thrive in today's competitive landscape.

"The only way to do great
work is to love what you do"

Our Services

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We provide the unique ability to visualize a market, identify a need, understand the players, prioritize demands, and help build a company to reach their potential.

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Social Media Connections

Building companies and specifically building relationships throughout the cat community and pet industry.

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Marketing & Branding

Launched numerous high profile industry changing growth initiatives over the last 30 years.


Strategic Paws Consulting aims to revolutionize the pet industry by providing comprehensive corporate consulting services. Our primary objectives include:

~Crafting unique branding strategies to enhance brand identity and visibility for pet products and messaging.
~Identifying untapped revenue opportunities within pet businesses and implementing strategic initiatives to maximize profitability.
~Fostering growth opportunities through strategic partnerships and alliances.
~Prioritizing customer-centric approaches to ensure sustainable success and create "win-win" scenarios for all stakeholders.

In summary, Strategic Paws is not just a consulting firm; we are catalysts for transformation, visionaries for change, and advocates for progress within the pet industry. With passion, experience, and a relentless commitment to excellence, we strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of pets, their owners, and the industry as a whole.